Landmark Essex Windmill Up For Sale
New York construction magnate Frank J. Sciame Jr., whose plans for an upscale subdivision on Foxboro Point here a year ago drew controversy, has put the Dutch-style windmill on the market for $1,925,000.
View ArticleCFE applauds long-awaited conservation opportunity for ‘The Preserve’ (update)
After 15-Year Fight, a deal has been reached to purchase the thousand-acre forest in eastern Connecticut for conservation purposes. “This is a momentous development in protecting Connecticut’s open...
View ArticleOld Saybrook considers Preserve purchase plan
A plan for the state and Old Saybrook to purchase The Preserve and jointly own it remains intact following a vote by the General Assembly at the end of the 2014 legislative session to authorize up to...
View ArticleOld Saybrook referendum favors purchase of The Preserve
Old Saybrook residents voted overwhelmingly to provide $3 million in town funds towards purchase of the property, which was once slated to be turned into golf courses and a housing development....
View ArticleNature Conservancy begins fish passage plan on Falls River in Essex
Work has started along the Falls River on a fishway that will benefit such migratory fish as alewife and blueback herring, as well as migrating American eel and other resident fish. The work at the...
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